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執筆者の写真: 伶紗 吉岡伶紗 吉岡




  • すぐに意味がわかる単語は一番後ろに持っていきます。

  • もし思い出せない場合は、その単語を単語帳の真ん中辺りに入れて後でまたトライしてください。

  • わからない時はすぐに訳を見るのではなく、時間をかけてでもなるべく思い出すようにしましょう。

  • 何度かやった後は、カードをシャッフルしてください。

  • 1つの単語帳につき、一度に(ひと通り)勉強するのは1、2回がいいでしょう。その後20分—1時間してからまた1、2回やってみてください。こうすると記憶力がアップします。

  • 声にだして読むのもいいでしょう。



Studying bilingual flashcards are the fastest way to increase your vocabulary. There are a few things to know when choosing what words to study and how to study them.

When making flashcards, the English word should be on one side and the Japanese translation should be on the other. No hints should be written on either side of the card. By doing this, learners are forced to try to recall the word, helping them to learn the word better.

When studying…

  • If you look at a card and CAN recall the meaning, then put this card at the back of the stack.

  • If you look at a card and CANNOT recall the meaning, then put it in the middle of the pack to try again later.

  • Do not turn the card over too quickly. It is important to try your hardest to remember a word before looking at the answer.

  • It is good to change the order of the cards after going through them a few times.

  • In once session, you should only look through the cards once or twice. You should then wait a 20 minutes to an hour and look through the cards one or two more times. This will help increase memory.

  • It is good to say the words aloud.

It is a good idea to make small packets of words from 40-80 cards each. It is helpful to study Packet 1, then Packet 2, then review 1, review 2 and study 3, then review 1, review 2, review 3, then study 4, etc. By doing this, words will not be forgotten over time.

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